110 Articles
Minnesota studying mileage-based user fee to replace gas tax

The Minnesota Department of Transportation (MN-DOT) is looking to recruit 500 residents of Wright and Hennepin counties to test technology that could eventually be used to collect a mileage-based user fee (MBUF) in lieu of the state's gasoline tax. Cory Johnson, MN-DOT project manager, claims that:

Three states considering taxing electric cars to compensate for lost gas taxes

Opting to buy a battery-powered, all-electric vehicle not only frees your vehicle of tailpipe emissions. It also means owners of plug-ins don't have to pay gas taxes, right? Well, for residents of the states of Washington, Oregon and Texas, that sort of depends on whether or not soon-to-be introduced legislation to establish Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) taxes for electr

Can you imagine paying a voluntary gas tax? Some already do

If you've got the money to buy an electric car, would you be willing to pay a voluntary gas tax? How about if you're an avid biker, and are using public roads without buying much gas – should you chip in to keep those roads in good repair? Or what if you just want to remind yourself that what you're pumping into your car isn't exactly good for the environment?

Report: NADA chairman urges Fed to reconsider fuel rules

The National Automobile Dealers Association has joined the ranks of those opposed to upping Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards to 60 mpg by 2025. The dealer group says that with fuel prices still low, consumers are more interested in horsepower and style than they are super-efficient vehicles. That means that if the federal government starts mandating ever more efficient vehicles that are significantly costlier to manufacture, dealers are lik

Friedman: How China's electric vehicle industry is going to rocket past the U.S. - and everyone else

The debate rages on as to whether gas prices in America are too low, and we could be looking at a very different picture if things don't change drastically here soon. For an example of what might be, check out New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who paints a picture of where the electric vehicle (EV) industry could be going if gas prices stay where they are. In his words, "you'll import your new electric car from China

Consumer Federation of America calls for 60 mpg CAFE standard by 2025

Now that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Environmental Protection Agency have established fleet fuel economy standards of 35.5 miles per gallon by 2016, the government agencies are hard at work on the next phase of increases that will stretch out to 2020 and beyond. The 2007 Energy Independence and Security Act mandated 40 mpg by 2020 as a minimum, but the st

Sen. Voinovich (R-OH) calls for a raise to the gas tax

It takes one of two things for a politician to support a hike in the gas tax: courage or no interest in a political future. Senator George Voinovich (R-OH) has at least one of these aspects and made his case for a bigger gas tax in a letter to members of President Obama's debt commission:

Study: Americans prefer tolls over fuel taxes... how about you?

One fact seems indisputable: Americans have come to hate taxes and any suggestion by a politician to raise them is tantamount to political suicide. The problem is that public infrastructure requires funding – and lots of it. Critics of this disparity would argue that a lack of political will to raise fuel taxes has left roads, bridges and tunnels across America crumbling in recent decades.

What's the "real" cost of gas? Dollar figures don't tell the whole story

Opening an article with the question, "how much does gas cost?" seems like it requires a fairly straightforward answer. You could hop in your car, drive to the nearest gas station and answer it in no time. Similarly, you could hit up the site GasBuddy and find an answer even quicker. Using either of those methods, you'll come back with an answer somewhere near $2.79 in the U.S. today. Though the answer may seem right, Eric Loveday

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